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How is the Officer’s Choice Blue whisky price?

29 Dec 22 - 06:37

Officer's choice blue whisky price
Officer's choice blue whisky price | Image Resource: gqindia.com
One of the strictly regulated alcoholic beverages is Whisky which is sold at an alcoholic percentage of 40% abv. There are different types and classes of whiskies but the process used to make a whisk is the same.

The two main types of whiskies are Malt whisky and Grain whisky. Malt whisky is made from malted barley and Grain whisky is made from any type of grain like maize, rye and wheat. Malt whiskies are named based on the raw material used, whisky made from rye is called rye malt whisky and whisky made from buckwheat is called buckwheat malt whisky.

Blended whiskies are made by mixing different types of whiskies. A blend may contain whiskies from different distilleries to keep the flavor consistent for a brand. Therefore such whiskies do not carry the name of the distillery. One of the Indian brands offering alcoholic beverages is Officer’s Choice (OC). 

The brand offers premium whisky called Officer’s Choice Blue whisky. The OC blue whisky is a fine blend of Scotch malts and fine Indian grain spirits. It has a subtle fruit, party, leafy and woody aroma. The Officer’s Choice Blue whisky price is right for a premium-class whisky. 

Alcoholic beverage whisky is prepared by fermenting and distilling grain mash. It is important to maintain the quality of the final output. For this quality, control measures have to be used while producing alcohol.

How to maintain the quality of alcoholic beverages?
Quality control measures have to be followed during the entire process. All the personnel involved in the process should be given theoretical and practical knowledge about the production. Technologically advanced procedures should be used in the plant and all involved should follow these procedures.

It begins with selecting the raw material. The raw material selected should be of the highest quality. The quality of the raw material can affect the final output. The best raw material should be used and the best output should be achieved from it.

In the process of malting, the grains are germinated by heating them slowly. The heating material used can affect the taste of the beverage. Usually, peat or charcoal is used for heating. 

The fermentation process should be done under controlled environments to avoid any contamination. Experts should oversee the processes of maturing and blending to maintain the quality of every batch.

Ultra-filtration should be done to maintain the clarity of the final output. Quality analysis of the final product should be done. Detailed analysis and the measurement of the output should be done.

The final output should be packed in scrutiny to avoid any contamination. The alcohol should be packed in glass bottles of standard size and shape. Compliance with the standard and norms is a must. 

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